Target group

Who has to attend a Foreign Students’ College for admission to study?

    • Foreign prospective students who wish to embark on a course of study at a German university, but are yet to meet the requirements for direct entry must, before taking up their studies, have passed the knowledge and aptitude exams (FSP). You can prepare for the FSP exams by taking a two-semester intensive course (Schwerpunktkurs) at our College.

    • Foreign prospective students who wish to embark on a course of study at a German university, and do meet the requirements for direct entry must, before taking up their studies, have passed the DSH exam. We will prepare you for this exam in a one-semester course.

What conditions must be met before you can be admitted to our College?

Please refer to the

undefinedhomepage of our International Office

What requirements must you fulfill for admission to the preparatory college?

Please inform yourself about the requirements on the homepage of the International Office of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.